Saturday, December 6, 2008

Day 20 - not level 78

Wow. Wicked started the day at level 77 and ended it not at level 78 but rather level 79.


Much fun was had along the way. As usual, I bring proof:

One quest disguises you as an orc.


In another quest you fire a gun that literally knocks you upside down. You do this several times. At one point a bird falls dead from the sky - laughed my butt off.


Someone decided to implement rainbows in the game, at least near this waterfall.


In another quest you ride a crocodile...


Different quest, ride a mammoth:


and later on yet a different quest, ride a Titan-made super weapon construct.


Got a pretty good helm out of it, too.


Ending stats:

Wicked L79 Gnome Death Knight Points: 710 <Necromonger> Unholy/Hybrid DPS/Tank 12/0/56 HKills: 175 HP 17166 Armor: 10930 Def: 388.00 Power: 2052 Hit: 83 Crit% 13.35 Parry% 9.35 Avg item level: 148 81% Blues 18% Greens

Lots of PvP last night as well - some punk blood elf paladin named Rickamus thought he was cool when he and his druid friend killed my leveling buddy the holy paladin. I arrived too late to save him but proceeded to kill Rickamus several times. I also found his druid friend hovering and deathgrippwned him to me and killed him too.

There was lots more PVP involving mining nodes (my friend is a miner) but that was all in good fun, expected, etc. We won, every time too.


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