Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hi, this blog will chronicle the journey of Wicked the Gnome Death Knight girl. Like most good things in my life, she happened by accident. I have 6 level 70 characters and didn't intend on making or playing a Death Knight until much later.

Why a Death Knight?

It all started when my mage found himself questing in an area surrounded by horde, with no friends or allies available. It's not the ganking I mind, it's when I can't complete quests or even hardly see the quest givers in the see of red. So I decided to take a break and check out a Death Knight. It's been a blast and my poor 70s (two of which are near 71 now) are growing impatient for their turn.

Why "Wicked"?

A friend had the name Wicked much earlier in the game's history, but one day they decided to server transfer and let me know to pick up their name if I wanted it. So I did, mainly because I had an empty character slot. Two expansions later there's a new class and a saved name just waiting to be used. The name didn't come without a mental cost though. Here's what I was greeted with shortly after creation.

Seriously... what the hell?

Why a Gnome?

This is tougher: First, it seems very ironic, which appeals to me. I mean, we have this new Death Knight class that's meant to look like this:

Instead, they see this:

Second, it's harder to target her in PVP. The racial abilities aren't as good as others for a Death Knight, but there you go. The idea behind Death Knights is that they are reanimated bodies with evil spirits in them. So how much more aggressive and evil would a spirit be once it found out it had been stuck inside a chipper, spasmodic pink-pigtailed Gnome? Pretty darned Evil. Pure RAGE comes to mind. PURE RAGE DOESN'T BEGIN TO COVER IT PUNY MORTAL!

Wicked doesn't think much about her past. Was her name always Wicked? Did she always cause so much trouble? She's not sure. (But it's likely.) I WAS SCHEDULED TO BE IMPLANTED IN A DRAENEI. WHY WAS I NOT IMPLANTED IN A DRAENEI? WHO GOT MY DRAENEI!? SOMEONE OWES ME A DRAENEI!

Why Death Mite?
I heard someone reference Gnome Death Knights as Death Mites and I liked it, though they were using it as an insult. So here's to you, haters.

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