Sunday, December 14, 2008


Ran instances last night, mainly on heroic.

Here's the Lich King again - always with the sword pointing. We keep foiling his plans, we're probably not too popular with him now. Then again he betrayed us first, so this is what he gets.Shot93

Shockingly, the monster statues come to life and you get to kill them. (Utgarde Pinnacle)


In the Culling of Stratholme, you get to help a young prince kill off the population of one of his own towns because they're infected by the scourge plague and will soon become undead.


As in other time-traveling dungeons, the Infinite Dragonflight shows up to stop you and alter time. Chromie explains why that's bad.


Well well well if it's not Mal'Ganis behind everything again. We really need to kill that guy.


Ran this place again, on heroic this time:


Finally got to run Azjol-Nerub for the first time, and it was on heroic.

Shot99 Shot100

Shot101 Shot102

Finally, random shot of a siege engine in the new battleground.


At some point, also did this:


Ending stats (won two epics, one for DPS and one for tanking)

Wicked L80 Gnome Death Knight Points: 920 <Gunned Down In Reno> Unholy/Hybrid DPS/Tank 13/0/58 HKills: 218 HP 18371 Armor: 12293 Def: 400.00 Power: 2069 Hit: 0 Crit% 9.32 Parry% 16.45 Avg item level: 159 75% Blues 18% Greens 6% Purples

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