Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 17 - Borean Tundra continued, & 77

Wicked quested like some kind of mad-gnome tonight. She finished the night:

  • Level 77
  • Cold Winter Flying - bought at the rip off price of 1000g.
  • Lake Wintergrasp battle actually fought - "Hey Wicked, I hear there's lots of ore at Lake Wintergrasp." "Oh sure bud, just take the portal next to the other BG portals it puts you at a flight point." Woops - turns out if the battle is in progress it portals you there instead. We were on D, something that appealed to me greatly. I killed several 80s and yeah, died several times. Thing is though, we won.
  • Exalted with the Valiance people.

Wicked L77 Gnome Death Knight Points: 670 <Necromonger> Unholy/Hybrid DPS/Tank 12/0/56 HKills: 160 HP 15468 Armor: 10007 Def: 380.00 Power: 2042 Hit: 90 Crit% 15.02 Parry% 9.59 Avg item level: 147 68% Blues 31% Greens


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