Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 4 - Return to Hellfire

Tonight Wicked returned victoriously to Hellfire Peninsula. Or as the rest of the alliance has called it since Wrath of the Lich King launched, Gankfire Peninsula.

See, it seems like even though WOTLK is out, not everybody on the horde side is interested in levelling. At least five or six level 70s decided to fly around ganking everybody they can find. It's not a challenge for them - they're just being jerks. It's why I left the zone at level 60 instead of 62 or 63 like I normally would.

Well, tonight I came back to go from level 66 to level 67. I still had several quests in the zone, with more to get. I did most of them, including a few group quests. Wicked did die a couple of times tonight to the horde, but she also took a couple of them with her, including Neonecro the level 70 paladin who then had to get his buddies to help him. Then I tanked Blood Furnace, followed by DPSing for Hellfire Ramparts. That's when I dinged, about 6 pulls from the first boss.

I learned today that Death Knights can in learn one and two-handed maces, they just don't start with those skills. So, I picked them up in Ironforge.

Finally, once Wicked trained her new skills and hearthed to Dalaran, she decided to revisit certain parts of it. She found the spot where she acquired Bob again, and the shark had been replaced with a new Shark! She took note of it's name this time (I added screenshots to the initial Dalaran post), Segacedi . Level 74. She killed it all by herself, too.

One more thing happened. I'm not sure what, exactly, or whether I had anything to do with it, though it's fun to think so. There's an exit from Dalaran in the sewers that is meant to be flown out of (or into). If you jump out of it, you'll fall to your death if you don't have any way of slowing yourself. Well, there I am standing at the tunnel mouth taking in the view (which is breathtaking) and this horde on a kodo comes barreling by me and immediately plummets to the ground. Now, I watched carefully and couldn't see what happened when they landed, so I don't know if they died, popped some kind of slow fall device, teleported away, or what. But right after that another horde nearly did the same thing only stop barely stop in time, sit there a second or two, then turn around and leave. Heh.

I wonder whether Wicked can keep up the one level per night. Maybe 68, maybe 69, but I sort of doubt she'll be able to reach 70 from 69 in a single night. We'll see. I don't know whether or not she can or should hit Northrend at 68, or what. I'll try to find out.

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