Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 9 aftermath - so glad I wasn't in the beta

I'm so glad I wasn't in the beta. It's the end of day 9, and Wicked isn't 72. No. She's 73. She has also earned the achievement Veteran of the Wrathgate. Dragonblight - specifically the area around Wintergarde - is my favorite zone so far, and the quest line leading to and through Veteran of the Wrathgate is epic on a scale that brings to mind the Battle for Helms Deep in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

After that was done, we started on Grizzly Hills which is very pretty and reminds me of California.

Mithrandyr and a level 80 pal of his killed us along with the NPC's at Amberpine Lodge. Later on we caught Mith all by himself and exacted revenge. It felt really good.

Later on, Eugerox attempted to gank my buddy over some ore. We killed him instead.

At some point, having passed her pilot training at level 70, she went ahead and bought her Winged Seed of the Ebon Blade. She hasn't flown it yet, no reason to. At level 77 she'll take her cold weather flying test and after that, it's on.

Without further ado, here's what Wicked's been up to lately -

Met a sea goddess


Finally got a chance to use the alternate radar mode on the SexyMap addon.


Drove a tank equipped with it's own sabotage gnome!


Found where they moved Naxxramus to:


Found a new (to her) place in Dalaran - the Violet something or other. She didn't like it there much, especially after she ran back.


Bolvar Fordragon - I might not have clicked that had I known.


After what happened at the Wrathgate however, it was most definitely on.


We went to the Undercity, and we were all out of bubblegum.


You don't do what this thing did. OH YEAH? Not and survive.


Then King Wrynn seemed to want some revenge, and to me it looked like Thrall died in the fight, but I can't be sure because suddenly we were back in Stormwind.


After all that it was off to Grizzly Hills, like I said.


Ending stats for the night:

Wicked L73 Gnome Death Knight <Necromonger> Unholy/Hybrid DPS/Tank 7/0/56 HKills: 109 HP 9815 Armor: 8378 Def: 364.00 Power: 1614 Hit: 61 Crit% 13.76 Parry% 8.75 Avg item level: 132 50% Blues 50% Greens

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