Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tanking Mana Tombs

Tanked Mana Tombs last night at level 65. It was not only fun but a great learning experience. Had a great group for it - I was the only Death Knight there! In addition to me we had a Warlock, and Shadow Priest, and Holy Priest, and a Retribution Paladin. Some were my level (65) a few were lower than that.

So far, Tanking as a Death Knight means that I put on Frost Presence and then make sure I hold aggro while trying to use as many healing strikes as I can manage. Her build is something I made up as I went along, not sure what she'll end up with but there are already a ton of options. Hopefully soon we'll be able to see what shakes out as the best.

Through the entire thing she only died once, and was able to help kill the last few mobs as a ghoul, and even then the group didn't wipe - ever. She also had far and away the most DPS because of all of her AOE skills. Still, it was very valuable to me as I had to learn to stop spamming things randomly and start spamming them on purpose.

I went on to do several more quests in the Auchindoun area, soloing several meant for two or three people. She got several upgrades. Here's her gear list at the moment:

Wicked L66 Gnome Death Knight Unholy/DPS 2/0/55 HKills: 75 HP 6529 Armor: 5427 Power: 970 Hit: 16 Crit: 11.69 Avg item level: 84

Head: Greathelm of the Scourge Champion Quest Plate Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/An End To All Things... 70
Neck: Pendant of Battle-Lust Drop Miscellaneous The Blood Furnace/The Maker 88
Shoulders: Blood-soaked Saronite Plated Spaulders Quest Plate Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/Scarlet Armies Approach... 70

Chest: Fel Iron Breastplate Crafted Plate Fel Iron Breastplate/Blacksmithing 102
Waist: Reaver Girdle Drop Plate Dun Morogh/Omar's Magic (Tapped) Chest 102
Legs: Consortium Plated Legguards Quest Plate Terokkar Forest/Undercutting the Competition 97Feet: Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves 97
Wrists: Nexus-Bracers of Vigor Drop Plate Mana-Tombs/Nexus-Prince Shaffar 97
Hands: Bloodbane's Gauntlets of Command Quest Plate Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/The Path Of The Righteous Crusader 70
Ring1: Keleseth's Signet Ring Quest Miscellaneous Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies 70
Ring2: Valanar's Signet Ring Quest Miscellaneous Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold The Reins 70
Trinket1: Signet of the Dark Brotherhood Quest Miscellaneous Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/A Sort Of Homecoming 70
Trinket2: Soul Harvester's Charm Quest Miscellaneous Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/The Gift That Keeps On Giving 70
Back: Dark Cloak of the Marsh Quest Cloth Zangarmarsh/Lost in Action 94
Mainhand: Dragonbone Greatsword Quest Two-Handed Swords Terokkar Forest/Evil Draws Near 102
Ammo: Sigil of the Dark Rider Quest Sigils Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave/Into the Realm of Shadows 70

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